User Manuals for lasers:

For MxL-III-xxxx laser heads (eg. MDL-III-405, MGL-III-532, MBL-III-473, MRL-III-671 etc.)
For MxL-H-xxxx, MxL-F-xxxx, MxL-N-xxxx laser heads (eg. (MGL-H-532, MBL-F-457, MRL-N-671 etc.)
For MxL-W-xxxx laser heads (eg. MPL-W-266, MPL-W-355, MLL-W-532, MBL-W-457 etc.)

Instructions for Fiber coupling, modulation and line generator:

Laser fiber coupling instruction

Laser TTL modulation instruction

Laser analog modulation instruction

Laser line generator adjustment instruction


Useful websites for Neurobiology/optogenetics:

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